Tiziana Calamoneri

Full Professor

Computer Science Department

calamo @ di . uniroma 1 . it (without spaces)

My view on the association and planned program

I have always been an EATCS member and I have spent for several years many energies working for the Italian Chapter, first as a Council member, then as Vice-President and as President. So now I am honored to be nominated for the EATCS Council Elections for 2021.

I am convinced that EATCS can be one of the main associations to refer to when dealing with computer science in academy.

In view of my experience, I think that national Chapters could highly support theoretical computer scientists and give new impulse to EATCS. For this reason, I would like to promote the birth of new Chapters and to relaunch the existing ones. The aim is not to create fragmentation but, on the contrary, to improve collaboration and give raise to a unique world-wide TCS community (even beyond Europe) through cooperation, especially now that -due to pandemic- interactions dramatically decreased.

I wish a cohesive theory community willing to interact with researchers in more applicative areas and highlighting the impact of theoretical research for them. This is especially important in these times when theory tends to be cut down from curricula: I would like to promote initiatives emphasizing the relevance of theoretical contents both in undergraduate and graduate studies.